Giorgos Kalmoukis
April 20, 2021
Eloquent Filtering in Laravel
Easily build and apply filters to Eloquent queries in Laravel using the gkalmoukis/laravel-filters package.
This package allows you to build filters easily, with Eloquent queries based on a request.
You can install the package via composer
composer require gkalmoukis/laravel-filters
The package will automatically register the service provider.
Create a new filter
Use the make:filter
command to generate new filters.
php artisan make:filter [FilterName] --model=[YourModel]
In handle()
method in app/Filters/[Filters]/[FilterName].php
you can write Eloquent queries with the filtering logic.
The name of the class will be used as query parameter in the request.
The filter query parameters can be used to add where clauses to your Eloquent query. Out of the box, this package supports filtering results by partial attribute value, exact attribute value or even. For more advanced cases, you can create and use custom filters in combination.
namespace App\Filters\User;
use Gkalmoukis\LaravelFilters\FilterInterface;
class FilterName implements FilterInterface
protected $query;
public function __construct($query)
$this->query = $query;
public function handle($value): void
$this->query->where('column', '=', $value);
Add Trait to the model
Use the FilterByTrait
in the model.
namespace App\Models;
use Gkalmoukis\LaravelFilters\Traits\FilterByTrait;
class YourModel extends Model
use HasFactory, FilterByTrait;
Query Parameteres
Add filter class name as query params in your URL written in camel case style.
Filter results in controller
In your controller get the query params from the request()
helper function and fitler an Eloquent instance.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\YourModel;
class ExampleController extends Controller
public function index()
return YourModel::filterBy( request()->all() )->get();